Press release
Responsibles relations Suppliers Charter
The approval of the consulting firm Karistem renewed !

Paris, 26 january 2016. Karistem, consulting firm in strategy, transformation and operational excellence, was officially approved again by the “Médiation des entreprises” (Mediation of enterprises) and CDAF(“Compagnie des Dirigeants et des Acheteurs de France” – Company executives and buyers from France), to help companies and public operators sign the Responsibles relations Suppliers Charter and help them implement their commitments.
“Obtaining this authorization confirms Karistem’s expertise in sustainable procurement, purchase-to-pay process (P2P) and Corporate social responsibility (CSR)”, welcomes Saad Bennani, Managing Partner of Karistem. “We are especially proud that few consulting firms and vocational training institutions are accredited, in a market where many firms avail themselves of delivering consultancy in responsible purchasing “
Supporting everyday business and public entities
“It’s been a decade that we support everyday business and public entities, some of which are already signatories to the Charter, at their CSR initiatives and sustainable purchasing” shares Peter Ravenel, head of responsible purchasing practice in Karistem. “We deal with the branches and sourcing management who are convinced that sustainable procurement creates value and contributes to the procurement organization performance.” For example, Karistem’s teams believe that a purely defensive approach (focused solely on risk management, for example), a responsible supplier’s charter without real commitment or resources, CSR schedules in contracts mainly recalling regulations, etc. are counter-performance.
The effectiveness of the purchase-to-pay process (P2P) is also part of the areas of Karistem expertise, particularly the timeliness of payment providers, a key principle of the Charter. According Altares, almost 70% of companies pay their suppliers late, a percentage that rises to 90% in the ETI and large enterprises. But the risk of failure of suppliers is multiplied by 6 beyond 30 days late payment. In many cases, non-payment at the time of subcontractors results from organizational and behavioural issues. “Sometimes, accounting-provider accepts sole responsibility while the causes of these recurrent delays are also searching upstream from the purchase request and control, says Anne-Frédérique Burgaud, Karistem manager in charge of the P2P offer. We help our clients to identify and to overcome these problems, for more sustainable and responsible relationships with their suppliers. “
Ten commitments for sustainable purchasing
Designed in 2010 by the Mediation Inter-enterprises and CDAF, the Charter is shaped to encourage companies to adopt responsible purchasing practices with their suppliers. Today, the promotion and facilitation of the Charter are guaranteed by the Mediation Inter-enterprises and CDAF.
The Responsibles Relations Suppliers Charter, includes 10 commitments for responsible procurement:
- Apply the LME law (Loi de Modernisation de l’Economie : law of modernization of the economy);
- Create a sustainable relationship between the prime contractor and the supplier, for example in terms of financial fairness or transparency of the order book and production capacity while ensuring control risks of too much interdependence ;
- Foster collaboration with strategic suppliers, to improve performance, the client works with the subcontractor should be regarded as a strategic partner;
- Choose a provider taking into account the total cost of the purchase, not just the apparent price, integrating logistics costs, risks in terms of replenishment, quality problems and image;
- Take into account the environmental impact of its business and operations, including outsourced activities;
- Ensure the territorial responsibility of the company seeking the territory in which it operates, to contribute as much as possible to develop the economy.
The Charter has now more than 1.500 signatories, representing a purchasing volume of almost € 500 billion. We find many organizations, both from the public and private sector: large companies, ETI, small and very small suppliers, socio-professional organizations, federations, etc.
The idea of an official certification for consulting firms as Karistem arose from the fact that the signatories of the Charter may need to resort to consulting compenies or training in order to:
- Professionalize their purchases teams, in particular to update skills on 10 commitments for responsible purchasing in the Charter;
- Help them raise communicate to their collaborators in the buying process, especially when dealing with suppliers in order to improve the construction of sustainable and balanced relationship;
- Help them raise their organization to mediation or to professionalize their internal mediators.
Karistem briefly.
Karistem is a consulting firm specializing in strategy, transformation and operational excellence. Since 2004, Karistem develops and implements major transformation projects supported by the Exectutive Managament to improve the competitiveness of the heart of business and / or support functions to align the business strategy. Karistem’s approach is results-oriented and puts people at the heart of each transformation. Karistem is committed (1) the involvement and ownership of the change by the largest number of people and (2) on fast, major and lasting results.
Press Contact
Sebastien de Boisfleury
Head of Communication
Mail : sebastien.de-boisfleury@karistem.com