14 november 2013
Talent Strategy 2013
Hervé Borensztejn , Partner at Karistem, will host the Talent Strategy 2013 conference organized by Global Business Learning Network, November 14 from 8:30 to 18:30 at the Hotel Lutetia.
This day of debates and round tables will cover the main aspects of the development and implementation of a policy of talent management adapted to business requirements. Different stakeholders will discuss in particular the following themes :
- The importance of good talent management in the overall success of the company
- Talent Management to support international development
- Development programs
- Succession planning and knowledge transfer
- Management skills: matching, employability and agility
- HR marketing as a key factor in a successful talent policy
- Managers: the key to success ?
- Engagement, retention and well -being at work
Participation fee and reserved for practitioners of the HR Function
Reservations mandatory to Gregory Harmand at 09 70 44 74 19 or gregory.harmand@gblnetwork.com
The full program is available on the website http://www.gblnetwork.com