CS5 | Case Study

Karistem helps a leading player in the energy industry roll out
global processes for retention and succession planning



The company recently had to manage a high number of successions among the senior population (including the CEO). Due to the lack of properly prepared internal successors, some of these successions were difficult to manage and deeply impacted the Group’s productivity.

As a consequence, HR management decided to implement global processes and tools to improve employee retention and succession planning in all the entities of the Group.

Karistem was asked to assist the Company in this project.


Converting HR management’s ambition into reality introduced three main challenges:

  • Designing effective retention and succession planning processes and rolling them out worldwide
  • Educating managers on new concepts (e.g. key people, critical positions, people at risk…) and the importance of getting to know their team better
  • Improving HR teams’ ability to manage retention risks and successions in a proper and timely manner

Karistem worked hand-in-hand with the Client’s team in order to achieve these objectives.

Why Karistem ?

Four key factors explaining why Karistem was chosen:

  • A deep knowledge of Talent Management processes
  • A proven expertise in international HR projects
  • A robust approach in leveraging internal resources
  • Professional communication materials (in partnership with an agency)

Please contact us if you want more informations